Monday, April 23, 2012

Update on our family...way behind

I know I am way behind on updates on here. I hate that because this is the easiest way for me to remember what the boys did at certain ages. I haven't found a good way to update from the iPad yet, does anyone know? Bennett just turned 3years old last week. He aged out of the first steps program he was in and getting his therapys from so we have just switched to new therapists and have been getting a lot of evaluations done. Right now he is going to preschool for two half days, private speech therapy for an hour and two days he has speech through jcps for 30 mins a piece. He is one busy boy. Through june, July, and August he will have private speech for an hour still, and probably speech for a half hour and occupational therapy for a half hour as well. In August when he starts a new preschool it will change once again. We are trying to get him into a program that will give him more therapy for free because by the time summer is of he will have used up all of his insurance covered sessions. So pray with us that he gets into this program please! He has been saying so much more lately, and using lots more words with meaning. Right now he loves telling people to "seeet"(sit). He calls Brayden "baby". He still likes to watch his Elmo. He loves playing with cars and balls. He is a big climber and jumper. He could stay outside all day long if we let him. He loves "wa wa"(water), which includes baths or showers or especially the hot tub and grandmas and papaws house. He is obsessed with his alphabet right now and can recognize all of them. He knows them in order and out of order. He can say his alphabet from memory usually only skipping about 3 or 4 but sometimes he gets to excited for the clapping at the end so he will jump to "y z!" hahaha. He likes to sing in the car to his Bible song cd. I have even noticed him saying some of the words in the songs and he sings "deep" and "wide" (sounds like dee and why). He has been doing really well on the new routine we have them on, they go he'd between 8pm and 8:30pm and wake up around 7am. I never thought we would be a routine family nor did I think the boys would go for it but it works for them and we like it. It gives Brian and I some quite time after they go to sleep. I'm sure once the baby arrives that will change ;) Brayden is a little wild man at 18 months old! He does everything big brother does. He climbs right behind him and jumps too. Poor guy has bruises all over from attempting to do what Bennett does. He laughs and smiles so easy and yet cries and gets mad just as easy. He is our emotional one. He makes the funniest faces and facial expressions. He is talking so much. He can repeat almost anything it seems. His new favorite sentence is "where are you?". He has also said sentence "where'd they go?", "can I have one?", and "I drop my cup". He loves to say "uh oh". Single words he says are too many to count but include: car, mommy, daddy, brother, duck, dog, bird, woof woof, moo, papaw, mamaw, play, jump, wa wa, go, boom, night night, big bird, Elmo, Grover, eat, cracker, cookie, ball, book, baby, ect...... I talked pretty early plus he has been sitting in on all of Bennett's speech therapy sessions too! He loves to watch Elmo too and take baths and play with balls and Cars. These two brothers like to do everything together and I am so glad. They share a room now and eh love it. Brayden is currently obsessed with birds and looking for birds outside. It is too funny to watch him "where are you bird?" over and over and then go "bird bird bird bird!" when he finds one. Baby girl is growing and growing. We are 33 1/2weeks along now. She should be arriving at 38 weeks and 6 days, so not too far now. We are working on her room still. It is painted and the furniture is up. We just have to touch up paint, change out electric sockets and covers, put her name decal on the wall and finish organizing last bit of clothes. We saw her in a 3d ultrasound last week and she looks a lot like Brayden did in ultrasound. Also it looks like she has hair! Who hoo.

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