Friday, May 4, 2012

Things I want to remember...

I want to remember how Brayden easily laughs all the time and also how he cries easily as well. Bennett loves to play with Brayden and tease him by trying tease him like a big brother should. Brayden will squeal like a little piggy and it's just too funny. Bennett likes to irritate him but not for meanness but for the fun of it. Also the boys just love for me to play "this little piggy" on their toes. They both just say "more more more" and "wee wee" and "piggy". Athey just laugh and laugh at the weeee wee wee part. I love how when in the car and they see a semi or bus they both start saying "choo choo"! I love the face brayden makes often which is him puffing his lips out like kissing but then makes a sniffing noise, it is hilarious. I love these boys and the stages they are in.

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