Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bristol is 3 months

I can't believe my baby girl is 3 months old! She is full of personality already.  She smiles a whole lot.  Her favorite spot is in mommys arms or daddy's if mommy has to do something. She also loves laying on our bed or in her bouncy which is kept on the counter in the kitchen so she can see everything while not getting trampled on by Bennett. She loves laying n her tummy if she is not getting held by someone, but she sleeps on her back for safety.  She holds her head up great when doing tummy time.  She sleeps in our room still.  She usually eats at midnight and then again round 5 or 6am recently and then likes to snuggle with mommy in bed and sleep until 7:30 or 8am.  Her nap is usually from 10-2pm. And then again in the evening.  She loves her sleep.  Her brothers make her smile so big, she now notices them and looks around for them.  Bristol loves her little blankie I got her and will hold it in her fist.  She loves her paci and sucking on her fist if she can't find the paci. She is very good and letting mommy dress her up and I hope she stays that way because i love  doing it! She has rolled over from belly to back a few times but not a lot yet.  She loves "talking" and "cooing".  She is defiantly out of newborn clothes and into 0-3 and 3-6 in something's.

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