Friday, July 17, 2009


Today we went to Louisville's International Travel Clinic and got shots for our trip to Ethiopia. I had to get 4, Mom got 5 and Brian got 6. The lady was super nice and helpful with information about what we did and didnt need and what we maybe need. Mom doesn't like to watch shots. Brian doesn't like them either. Me, I could care less one way or another. I like watching them. I bruise though.
Here is Brian being goofy during the shots.

Still no worries....
Uh-oh! We almost lost him. lol. Brian forgot to inform us that he hadn't really ate today!
My poor baby is better now :)


Jessi said...

I didn't know your mom would be going with you guys. That's pretty cool!
I am keeping my eyes peeled for monkey-themed baby stuff, too!

The Murphys said...

1. It's good shots don't bother you considering you're going to be a nurse lol

2. I love the bedding and furniture you have picked out for the little guy!

3. Those burp cloths are so cute I got teary eyed lol

4. It's awesome that your mom is going with y'all!

Praying for you guys!

Brooke and Brian said...

We arent sure if mom is going yet or not. I told her it is up to her but wanted her to be prepared to go incase we needed her to or an emergency. I she will need to decide soon.