Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2 months home

Bennett has been in America for over 2 months now! It was such an amazing journey to get him. I can remember the trip home so well. We arrived at the Ethiopian Airport at about 6:30pm their time and were able to check in early to get a bassinet seat for the baby. That seat was much needed! We met up with our friends Meredith and Curtis and their baby boy and waited until the flight left. Eventually we got on the plane around 10:15pm. The seats we had were so much nicer due to the bassinet for Bennett being in front of us which gave us more leg room. Sadly, Brian got sick on the 17 hour flight from Ethiopia to Washignton DC. Neither of us ate on the way home because they only served Ethiopian food (which I was having NO more of!), well I did eat the rolls and the amazing airplane shaped crackers. Finally we arrived in Washington DC...we had way too much luggage and it was always a struggle to carry/roll it all and the baby through the airports (next time now that I know what a baby needs and doesnt we will pack way less!). We got Subway for lunch once in DC!!! Never have been more excited for Subway in my life! The flight from DC to Chicago was a little rough as Bennett was really tired and sick of planes and airports. When we got to Chicago we got McDonalds! YUM! Thats when Bennett fell in love with french fries :) The last flight to Louisville both Bennett and Brian slept the whole time! When we got to the airport in Louisville our whole family was waiting for us and all the important people to us were there! It was amazing. Brian I think was more happy than anyone to have us home! Bennett slept through his whole welcome home celebration!
We love this little boy! He is for sure a daddy's boy. He is learning soo much. He can wave now. He can play patty cake. He can say dada and mama and he jabbers all the time. He can pull himself up to standing. He can sit himself up from laying down on his tummy. He has been crawling for awhile. He can do all this and to think only 2 months ago he couldn't even sit up when propped! We thank God for this little blessing!

1 comment:

The Murphys said...

I'm glad he's doing so well! I hope I can meet him soon. God is so good!