Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baby Bristol Pregnancy Updates

I feel so neglectful not updating and recording the events as well about this pregnancy, but with two wild boys and lots of preparing and speech therapy there just hasn't been a lot of free time. I still haven't developed any pictures since last October! Anyways, Bristol will be here in one week. I have had a really good pregnancy with her. Some things are different from when I was carrying Brayden, like she moves around more than he did and did so sooner than he did. She is also up higher and hasn't dropped which is why I think I feel better and easier to move around than with him. I didn't have any throwing up morning sickness with either one but with Bristol I did catch two different stomach bugs right before the holidays causing me to throw up. Her ultrasound showed hair so we are hoping she gets as much as Brayden had! Cravings with Bristol are lots of ice, regular coke, shogun ruce and brown sugar.