Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School

This year Bennett is going to the same school as last year, four half days.Brayden is going to a different preschool two half days. Bennett is 4 years old and Brayden is 2 years old. Bristol is staying home with Mommy!Here are their 1st day of school pictures...can you figure out which one does good with pictures and which one does not?


Bristol and I enjoyed a special trip to Target alone while the boys were off to School.

Brayden had been talking about school for along time. He was excited to go. He changed his mind on the way to school and thought that staying home was a better idea. Once we got there he did okay though. He likes his new teacher and he really likes that his class has a hamster now.


Bennett was a little thrown off by going to a different room with a new teacher in it. I bribed him with getting to see his BFF Reese in class. He eventually got used to the idea and was okay once he saw Reese. After school Daddy asked Bennett if he had school the next day and he responded "no school. See Reese-eee here!" That was his longest sentence to date. So proud of him and how far he has come.