Monday, August 26, 2013

Kentucky State Fair 2013

Every year we take the journey to the Kentucky State Fair. Our cousins, Mackenzie and Lynnsey typically show goats at the fair. We had lots of fun this year. The kids and Brian ( who tends to get annoyed with all the people at the fair for a whole day) did really well this year.
We played games! Brayden and Mommy won the giant purple monkey on the water gun game. The bats were won on the throw a baseball and see how fast you pitch game. Some little stuffed animals won on a kiddie fishing game and some in a little basketball game.
She loves her Daddy.
Bristol enjoyed the fair food more than anyone I think! She loved the corn on the cob (just like her mommy).
Brayden and his TeeTee with corndogs.
Bristol just loves Mackenzie!
The kids loved seeing Mackenzie and Lynnsey again.
Bray enjoyed the goats.


Bennett...not so much!
Bennett has an extreme fear of cows at the fair.
Nothing a little iPad and cotton candy can't cure.

We sure turned a lot of heads pulling all the kids around in the train wagon.


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