Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How we celebrate Christmas

Christmas Eve we celebrate with my dad's side of the family. Normally this would be at my Aunt Cheri's house, but my uncle's mom had a heart attack a couple days ago therefore since they are dealing with family things it is moved to a relative's house named Paula (I am glad it is not cancelled though). Thanks to Paula for stepping up and volunteering her house last minute. I love this Christmas tradition because I get to see all the little kids in my family that I only get to see once or twice a year. Me and Brian could play with the kids all night, who cares about the adults. The weird thing over there is they only eat snacks until midnight and then dinner is eaten at midnight. Most of the family plays games around the table, Tabo, Pictionary, Poker, ect...
Christmas day me and Brian are going to wake up early (like 7am) and open presents together for the FIRST TIME! I am excited about it. Then we are going to get ready and go to my mom's house for Christmas morning.
After that and breakfast we are going to Brian's parents house to have a big turkey lunch with them. And there we will also get to see Brian's brother and neice. And my dad usually comes over also.
Then we are going back to my mom's for Christmas dinner. (Turkey again :) ! ) And we always go to the movies on Christmas night, and then usually to a Denny's or Waffle house or whatever we can find open.
My mom's extended family and my aunts and uncles on her side are coming in town on the Sunday after Christmas to celebrate. So that should be fun getting to extend the celebration a little bit longer!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!

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