Friday, January 2, 2009

Reading Over Christmas Break

I normally am not one who likes to read, especially in my free time. But over this break I have been reading like crazy! I have finished 3 books so far! THREE! First is Multiple Blessings, from Kate from Jon and Kate plus 8! It is a great book if you love the show, are a Christian wife, or looking to get pregnant (all I am!). Second Was Fertility Facts, which was a HUGE book and I finished it the day I bought it. It was like 2-3 inch thick book but was interesting and easy to read.
Third I am finishing today is The Duggars: 20 and counting, it is a great Christian book. It is about the loving family raising thier kids to serve the Lord. It has tips, verses, recipes, facts, ect...


Jessi said...

I love the Duggars! I hope I get that book soon. My mom preordered the Gosselins' book for me months before it came out (through her work) but when it finally came in it was finals week. And I still haven't had the chance to read it!

The Murphys said...

I loved the John and Kate book. I read it right after I miscarried and cried and cried. Wonderful book!
I want to read the Duggars book - I love them.
Can I recommend Taking Charge of Your Fertility? It's a pretty big book, but not hard reading, and I learned so much when I read it. I feel so educated about my body now. It's great for TTC and also talks about using the same ideas to avoid pregnancy. We used the method the book talks about for birth control and it worked great until we cheated the rules. But honestly, I just think all women should read it.