Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Bennett is starting to be able to match his colors now! He has been able to repeat the color words for a little bit but recently he has been able to recognize the colors! Who hoo!  He has made great improvements little by little.  He is learning to follow directions more.  His understanding is improving.  He is able to say lots of words now. My favorite new thing of his is when he says "hold me".  Melts my heart.  It is hilarious when he yells  at Brayden or wants us to do something to Brayden instead of him ( like wash hair or change diaper)... he will yell "Bway-den!" and clap his hands! Too funny.  I love that boy! He is going to school 4 days a week 1/2 days and has speech once a week and occupational therapy once a week. We are hoping he gets his approval for more therapy soon!  He is learning so much and does better each week. He met all of his goals this month in OT, most had to do with his attention span and transition to new activities.  He goes to Cubbies (Awanas) on Wed night at church.  I love that my little boy is putting scripture in his heart even if he cant say every word of the verses, hearing it and trying are great for him.  His Cubbies teacher is great with him.  He had surgery on his eye a few weeks ago to fix the crossing. So far it seems to have worked, hopefully he wont have to have any more surgeryto fix it. 

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