Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Brayden is 2

I can't believe my Brayden is going to be 2 years old in a few days!  He is full of so much personality! I joke that he is a sour patch kid because he will throw a fit one second and be the sweetest little boy the next second.  He is so much like his daddy and wants to be just like him.  He loves his brother and sister so much! Bennett is his best friend and Bristol is his princess.  He has started to have an imagination and can make up play with his toys, feeding the animals food and pretending play dough is pizza.  He can say anything and talks up a storm to us but he has become really shy and won't talk in front of others.  He goes to My Gym to play once a week with mommy and he likes it a lot he just won't talk ;). His recent favorite things to say are "it broke" and "me hurt" "me otay".  He also likes saying "Bennett".  He will go get things we ask for and can follow directions well.  He has started to potty train but is not consistent yet, I am confident he could do it already if I pushed more.  When you tell him to. Hew his food he holds his hand over his mouth to chew which is cute.  Right now he likes Mickey mouse, trains, motorcycles, cars, Elmo, animals.  He sometimes will cry when animals go to sleep on one of his iPad games which is hilarious.

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