Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bristol is 4 months old.

I know I really need to go back and add pictures into some of these posts...I can't seem to do it from the iPad and I don't want to forget things by waiting until I have time to upload the pics.

I really am having a hard time realizing how fast Bristol is growing, she is already 4 months old! It goes fast with each kid, geeze!  She weighed in at 14lbs 3 oz (50%tile) and 24 1/2 inches (50%tile) and her head was 75%tile!

She has giggled once, while mommy was gone of course.  She smiles ALL the time! She is so happy. She loves to watch her two big brothers and thinks they are so funny.  She has even tried the swing in the backyard with them.  She can sit up but still slumps forward and falls to the side a lot.  She is getting spoiled.  She likes her hand held in the car.  She likes her exersaucer.  She is growing out of the bouncer and doesn't want to just lay around anymore, she is getting active.  She likes to be wrapped on mommy for walks.  She slobbers all the time, she needs to wear a bib for it but I hate to cover up the cute outfits (haha).  She goes to nursery at church now and does great in there, let's hope that stays.  She isn't really a big fan of sleeping in her pack n play anymore, uh oh.

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