Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

Today we had a great mother's day. We went to church in the morning and heard a great service about Christian's call to adoption, which has been in our hearts and minds for a little while now. In sunday school they talked about Ruth again and how she had a bunch of set backs in her life but they all lead to the greater good for her and all of history. It is nice to know that such a great woman was able to survive all of her set backs. After church we went home and picked up Mercedes. We went to my mom's house for a cook out and to spend time with her, my mom, my stepdad, sister and uncle. I made 2 scrapbooks for my mom as her gift. We went to spend time with Brian's mom and dad after that. Overall it was a great day. Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there and to everyone who has lost a child too, because you are a mom.

Here is a card that I got from Brian and Mercedes. Here ismy mom and my NeNe.

Here is my baby Mercedes.

Here is my mom with me and my sister at Derby.

Here is Brian and his mother on our wedding day.
P.S. My Birthday is SOON!!!!!!

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