Monday, April 5, 2010

More Gibsons

So I thought today I would make an announcement for our family...We are going to become a family of 4 soon! That's right...........I am pregnant.
We decided when we got home from Ethiopia with Bennett that we were going to start adoption number 2 but shortly after we decided that God told us we have other plans right now and we found out I was pregnant. It's neat to see the way His plan works out. We are thrilled to watch Bennett become a Big Brother. We hope to go back to Ethiopia in the future for another adoption but are so excited that God has planned this pregnancy for this time in our lives.
I am due October 22, 2010. I am officially 11 weeks and 3 days along. It has been killing me keeping it quite for this long. We went to the doctor today and saw a heartbeat for the second time. Our baby is growing great. Although I have been nervous throughout the pregnancy due to the fact we had a miscarriage before I have known that God is in control the whole time. Prayers for a healthy pregnacy and easy transition to a family of four would be very much appreciated. Thanks everyone!


Jessi said...

Oh my gosh! Congratulations! We will be praying for you every step of the way! ^_^


Whoo Hoo!!!! That is not what I expected to read in that post. I was thinking more Easter pics of the family! Congratulations!!

Anthony and Sharon said...

YAY!!! So excited for you guys! I can tell you from experience that after labor and delivery and also adopting that you'll want to go to Ethiopia again too! HAHA!
Hope you don't have too much of the "sickies!" Just a few more weeks and they'll go away...then your baby bump will really show and you'll get to enjoy the fun of the second trimester! Congrats on becoming a mommy never gets old, no matter how they come into your family!

Briana McCall said...

Congratulations Brooke! God has had a plan for your family since the day He created you! I will pray that you remain healthy and the baby is strong! What exciting news! I knew something was going on when you changed the title of your blog. :) Yay!

Mandi and Jeff said...

So happy for you guys! God does have a plan and he knew Bennett belonged to you. We will keep you in our prayers!

The Niedermeyers said...

Congratulations Brooke!


I just realized the blogs new title!! Duh, Brittney! Sometimes it takes me a minute! :)

Brooke and Brian said...

haha I wondered if anyone would guess by the new title! :) Thanks everyone we are thrilled.

Julie said...

Congrats!!:) What a handsome little guy!!

Kara and Jeff said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you! I have to is so funny to read your blog...I think our Henri and your Bennett are long lost brothers. They both have the same alligator outfit (so cute), wore similar Easter outfits (vest, pants, polo), and had the same Elmo Easter basket. :) Great taste you have! :) Bennett will be a great big brother...we are so happy for you. Please keep us all posted. Sending thoughts and prayers for good health your way.
~Kara, Jeff, and Henri