Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog Challenge Day 2- Black Friday Tips and Tricks

Wow how I love Black Friday!!! My mom has always gone out as long as I can remember on Black Friday to get the hottest toy out for me and my sister when we were younger. It is the hunt for the item that is the best part. Now that we aren't into toys anymore I get to go along with her! I have gone for the past 4 years I think? Last year was my sister's first time to join us. It is fun to all go together. We started a new tradition last year to get these matching shirts for shopping that my mom found on a website. I will have to post after this year a picture with this year's shirt. Here is last years. This year since I am nursing I decided Brayden will just go along with us! He can sleep in the carrier/sling I wear, it will be interesting but fine I am sure.

As for tips and things that you need to do in order to succeed in Black Friday shopping here we go: Thanksgiving day look through all the ads and decide prioriy of the really good items (you may not get all of the big ticket items therefore you need to figure out what you HAVE to get). Get a hour or two of sleep if you can. TIP: FORGET BEST BUY, ITS NOT WORTH THE TROUBLE. We have discovered to never even try Best Buy--you have to wait outside and they normally have such outragous deals with just a few available unless you want to camp outside you wont get anything good. TIP: It is best to start at a 24hour place, such as Walmart. Which is normally our place of choice. They have a great mix of electronics, toys, and other items. You have to have your "team" split up! We get there around 3am. Shop for the things on sale that arent HUGE ticket items that are wrapped up (somethings they dont unwrap and let you get until the sale time starts). TIP: MAKE FRIENDS WITH A YOUNG WORKER TO FIND OUT WHERE ALL THE GOOD STUFF IS PLACED THROUGHOUT WALMART (They may even sneek things from the back for you if you are lucky). Once you have all of your stuff and they open the checkout lanes get ready for some rude people. No one likes to merge lines but a good attitude helps deal with the frustration. Don't want to be the crazy people who actually get in fights shopping! After walmart we usually see if Target has anything good still that we can get. Then it is time for breakfast (its usually about 7 or 8am now). After we are refreshed we may hit up some random stores that had sales we need and then it is time for the mall. The mall usually is okay to wait on items until this time because I dont feel they sell out of things as fast, plus we are usually getting clothes there not anything electronic or too popular. TIP: EVEN IF NOT BRINGING A BABY TO MALL, BRING THEIR STROLLER TO HOLD YOUR PURSE AND BAGS. IT CAN GET EXHAUSTING WITHOUT.
I think that is all I can think of right now. Once you go a few times you tend to learn what works for you and your family best!


Jessi said...

The great thing about black friday is that I am ready for lunch at like 7:30 am. Your shirts are cute!

Lindsey said...

keep that baby warm! :) How exciting... I'll be sleeping. LOL