Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bristol 2 months

Bristol turned 2 months old Sunday! My baby isn't a newborn anymore! At her checkup  she weighed 12lbs 2oz (75%). She is 22inches (25%). And her head is 14in (50%).  My big girl barely even cried during her shots, maybe 15 seconds and then she was fine. Bristol smiles all the time now, she is the happiest baby. She can give some angry looks with her eyebrows that are hilarious. She loves her sleep, especially during the day. She likes sleeping in her car seat. She likes to eat every 3 hours normally although lately she will go 4 or even 5 hours between feedings every great now and then. Her hair seems to have a little brown in it now. She lifts her head up off the ground to look around. If mommy can't hold her she sits in her bouncy seat.  She loves when we go out walks and she is in her moby wrap and can look up at the sky and trees.  I love dressing her and all of the bows.  Her brother Brayden loves her more than any 21month old brother can! He would give her the world.  He kisses and hugs her to death or will just lay his sweet little head on her or rub her cheek.  Bennett loves her too and hates when she cries and he won't get out of the van until he knows she is getting out, he says "baby.out. Out.". She likes to sleep with her hands straight up when in her crib. She loves sleeping on mommys belly. She likes to keep a little fist up by her face.